As a Yorkie lover, I've always admired the Yorkshire Terriers breed. Here at Gemstone Yorkies we strive for optimum health introducing a variety of colors including the Parti yorkie colors. From America blended with European champion pedigree blood lineage. Parti color comes a recessive gene within dogs. "A double recessive geneis a gene that can be masked by a dominant gene . At one time you could only findtraditional (classic) colored yorkies. Any other colored yorkies were given away, discarded, donated, or worst; destroyed. Many skeptical long term yorkie followers and some owners absolutely refuse to believe that the parti, chocolate, or any other colored yorkie is anything other than a kennel bred "mixed mutt".
Do Parti Yorkies have health problems due to their coloring? There is no documentation that supports the statement that these dogs might have health problems because of their pigmentation. We personally never have with our Parti litters.
Where did the Parti Yorkie Come From? Partiand Biewer (black, white & brown color), all came from two traditional parents, which carrie these double recessive color genes. Locus S 🧬 (White spots) Parti coloris recessive to the dominant “solid” color, there for must be present from both parents to produce a true parti or Chocolate puppy. Parti and Biewer bloodlines, come from Nikko's Kennels and Mr Biewer line. Both trace back to Streamglen Shaun line. Parti/Biewer coloring can be of Tri color white, tan, black or two colors black and white or brown and white. In the year of 2000, after years of proven studies that they are purebred Yorkshire Terriers, the American Kennel Club (AKC) has now chosen to acknowledge and register some of these unique colorful beauties. Chocolate and Parti colors do not meet AKC Yorkshire Terrier Breed Standard coloring for show dogs.
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Disclaimer: Note: This page is for educational purposes only, we do not condone breeding of any type for color, you must do you own research. *Some contents of this site (including artwork, text, photos, other representations of the artworks, materials related to the artworks) are protected by copyright unless stated – any use of these materials without the express permission of Gemstone Yorkies is a violation of said copyrights.