Moringa Paws + Everything Paw 🐾 Balm Dog Salve
Organic Skin & Paw Wax Balm for Dogs Natural & Organic ingredients |Made in USA | Nose & Foot Pad Ointment | Cream Moisturizer for Dry Skin +
great for healthy coat and skin, along with moringa superfood which is rich in vitamins and minerals loaded with nutrients like calcium, vitamin A, B, C, D, E; minerals like copper, iron, zinc,
magnesium, silica and manganese. Moringa has moisturizing and nourishing properties.
*Has high content of vitamin A, thus promoting hair growth
*Zinc and silica along with vitamin A which helps prevent drying and clogging of the sebaceous glands.
Benefits & Aids:
Promotes Health Coat & Skin
Helps kill Mange
Anxiety Relief for Dogs
Absorbs Rapidly
Reduces Pain, Inflammation & Itching
Promotes Circulation
*A-Z vitamins and Minerals,
*All Natural and Organic Ingredients
*NO Toxic Fragrances which are toxic to people and pets.
*No Tea Tree Oil
*Cruelty Free.